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ITSM for Healthcare

Improve Service Delivery to Support Better Patient Care

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Healthcare IT is under enormous pressure to create and provide customer and staff services while also improving patient care. IT has become an integral part of the healthcare landscape, and IT Service Management (ITSM) makes it possible to better manage processes and automation to support the healthcare organization.

With EasyVista’s powerful ITSM platform, healthcare organizations are equipped to solve compliance challenges, deliver superior self-service experiences to doctors, nurses, and hospital staff, and accurately manage clinical assets. Advanced automation and best practices allow healthcare service management teams to do more with less.

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Solve the Compliance Challenge

HIPAA and your organization's technology need to play nice. With EV Service Manager, you can support compliance across HIPAA and Electronic Records Management by automating processes and by documenting all changes with extensive change management capabilities. And you can trust that, as a vendor to many healthcare organizations, we stay compliant too.


Improve Self-Service Capabilities for Physicians, Staff, and Patients

Give your healthcare staff and users the data and services they need through custom or pre-built apps and portals accessible from any device and designed with portability at the forefront. Using our drag-and-drop, codeless builder to craft customer UI's and custom workflows, you can create a seamless user experience in minutes — and enjoy doing it.


Provide Answers the Healthcare Staff Need

Knowledge and the ability to use it for a specific purpose is a critical part of a successful healthcare workflow. Users should be able to address their problems and find answers on their own, without hassle. Dynamic decision trees and workflows in EV Self Help give them the ability to do just that, by helping them engage with knowledge in a personal, conversational manner.


Keep Clinical Assets in Order

Your assets are critical to the success of patient care delivery. What happens when Environmental Services enters a room only to find they aren't equipped to do the job? What happens when the asset that's missing is a computer? What happens when that has an effect on patient health? Don't find out. Prevent it with IT Asset Management.

Simplify IT Service Management by making it easier to deliver and use.

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Customer Success Story

See how Driscoll Children's Hospital gives employees exceptional IT service with EasyVista

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