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ITSM Solutions for Insurance

Efficiency and Compliance When it Matters Most

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Insurance companies today are faced with increased user numbers, requests, and incidents. Traditionally, these companies have relied on their CRM or on homegrown tools to manage all of these requests. But modern service management demands more: a standardized, modern, efficient experience for solving requests and addressing incidents.

Compliance with process and legislation is, of course, a critical component to all ITSM solutions used within the insurance industry. It's an industry that's all about managing risk. Our ITSM solution's workflow engine and process design tools let your users follow processes to the letter, and create audit trails you can always follow.



Keep Pace with Competition

How does ITSM factor into competitive differentiation in insurance? If your business can guarantee service uptime and access to your platform anytime, anywhere (from any device or location) your customers and clients can trust you. In financial services and insurance, uptime guarantees are paramount to trust, and trust is paramount to winning business. EasyVista's ITSM solution gives you the competitive edge. 


Keep Innovation at the Forefront

Innovative services can make the difference between a quality experience and one that leaves a user out in the cold with no answers to be found. With EasyVista's Service Apps Technology, you can provide role-based or needs-based support without writing a single line of code. Give everyone their best experience and provide them with confidence that they — and their requests and financial success — are in good hands.


Keep Everyone Compliant

The insurance sector experiences no shortage of regulation and internal policy creation. In fact, these areas only continue to grow. Ensure compliance by implementing EasyVista's ITSM solution's automated processes with a simple drag-and-drop workflow designer, all while tracking changes with built-in change management capabilities.

Simplify IT Service Management by making it easier to deliver and use.

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