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Loïc Besnard | February 03, 2022
In recent years, businesses have invested in digital transformation like never before. The accelerated pace caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has only strengthened that transformation, but in turn it is shaking up IT supervision.
As an IT operations manager, your role is no longer limited to guaranteeing the performance of IT tools, but rather to meet the expectations of users: having digital applications available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and performing correctly at the office as well as at home. This is part of Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM), which means optimizing the use of digital technology for each employee, including cloud adoption.
So how do we adapt to this new challenge? Our team with ServiceNav has a few answers and tips to address this challenge.
The Covid-19 pandemic has revolutionized the way companies work. While many companies had already started a digital transformation process, this process accelerated with the health crisis. This has resulted in the massive development of teleworking, the implementation of digital tools to facilitate collaboration, adopting cloud computing, and the digitization of new business processes.
Beyond the ever-changing economic situation and teleworking, employees use many applications in their daily life. They expect to find these uses in the context of their work tasks. If the company doesn’t provide the tools they need or if the software in place is too complex, they will search for these tools themselves. This is the shadow IT phenomenon.
Shadow IT is a major problem. It is estimated that only 61% of an organization’s Information System (IS) is supervised1. This presents a risk, as the applications or equipment can bypass the security systems in place, are not maintained, and the data generated is not considered by the supervision teams.
Furthermore, the evolution of processes implies the use of tablets or smartphones. Employees, therefore, need to have access to their applications from these mobile terminals. Otherwise, their performance is hampered.
Finally, employees are no longer used to waiting. The IS must therefore be operational at all times and without delay. If it is not, users must be notified and can organize themselves accordingly. The user experience is key today. It’s an essential element in your daily life as an IT operations manager.
1 IT Monitoring Barometer, Vanson Bourne, 2021
To overcome this challenge, it is essential to think about supervision not from an infrastructure point of view but in terms of user experience in relation to cloud adoption. How can you improve the working comfort of the teams? How do you manage priorities? And how can you do all of this while pushing cloud adoption? After all, IT is no longer solely reserved for IT specialists. The performance of the IT system determines the performance of all employees and businesses.
A monitoring tool is essential, as information systems are becoming increasingly complex. However, not all solutions are equal. The monitoring tool must be deployed across the company for all departments to have a single, unified reference system. This makes it easier to monitor the performance of all applications, which can be quickly integrated, analyzed, and optimized, regardless of which department in the company.
The objective is, of course, to prevent unavailability, manage intervention priorities, or have the ability to react quickly in case of a problem. For example, if all the teams have to switch to teleworking in three days - which likely happened during the first lockdown - it will be essential to ensure the availability of remote applications and cloud adoption solutions as a priority.
Your monitoring software must also allow you to simulate the user journey and evaluate the performance of the IS from his point of view.
Thus, your IT supervision teams detect a problem before the concerned employee and solve it quickly or alert the user. The whole point is to have as little impact as possible on the company’s employees in their daily lives. Reactivity is a significant advantage, which facilitates communication and trust between IT and the rest of the company, thus improving the performance of the whole while enhancing the value of the IT department.
With a high-performance monitoring solution, you can meet your employees’ needs in terms of application availability. At the same time, you reduce the risks associated with shadow IT. After all, why would an employee go looking for another solution if the one available to them is working or if the IT department is responding to their requests?
To learn more about how to use IT monitoring software and how to address the challenges IT leaders are facing today, download our white paper.
Loïc Besnard serves as Senior Director of Product Marketing and Head Technical Evangelist at EasyVista. Besnard served as Global Pre-Sales Director of EasyVista until January 2017. He joined EasyVista in 2009 and is responsible for EasyVista’s worldwide pre-sales engineering strategy. With over 15 years of experience in the IT industry and international technical sales, Besnard supports EasyVista’s growth, international development and technical sales operations.