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Predictive monitoring with AIOps

Forecasting with IT supervision

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Anticipate alerts to improve the availability of your IT Infrastructure.

Advanced warning and alerts to anticipate interventions and avoid malfunctions and downtime is the dream of every CIO. That's why EV Observe has designed an alert prediction module using the latest AI technologies.  With the ability to predict downtime, you can maintain the availability and performance of your information services.


Future-Ready Monitoring Technology to Take Your ITSM to the Next Level


A New Level of Proactivity

What if you could be notified of system alerts before they happen? By being able to predict downtime, EV Observe allows you to proactively address issues during working hours when staff availability is at its highest rather than having to deal with issues during off-hours.

We provide a dashboard of upcoming alerts and their associated confidence rate over a short-term forecast horizon. Forecasts are constantly re-evaluated and adjusted based on the latest data collected.



Save Time and Money

The forecast horizon covers the night-time production periods when there are typically few employees and specialists are unavailable. By avoiding having to address issues during night-time production periods, costs are lowered and you can maintain a full operating team during the day.



Threshold Recommendations

False positives are a major issue for IT teams with 1/3 of organizations experiencing more than 15% of false positives and a monitoring solution must address this issue. EV Observe provides a historical-based threshold recommendation based on an analysis of 3 months of data that reduces false positives, without missing real alerts or false negatives. This dramatically reduces costs associated with monitoring that results in a lower TCO and a more accurate oversight due to less false positives.


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